Monday, February 28, 2005

Bomb Blast at Prithimpassa Nawab Bari Moharram programme.

The bomb attack on the night of 20/02/05 was an act of terrorism by a member of a terrorist outfit. It was a premeditated act to eliminate the Prithimpassa Nawab Bari members and the Imambara where all the religious programmes during and after Moharram are held. The intention was clear; it was to put an end to the continuation of the Holy month’s programmes to commemorate the matyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM), in 61 Hijri at Karbala. This is apparently a sequel to atrocious terrorist activities taking place across the country.
The programmes of Moharram have been going on under the auspices of the Nawab Bari since ages- they are as old as 400 years. From 1st to 12th Moharram, which include extensive programmes comprising of sermons, majlises, tazia processions, etc are organized and attended by people from all walks of life. This year too the programmes went on schedule without any untoward incidents as thousands converged to witness and participate with religious fervor. On 7, 8, 9, 10th the crowds swelled to more than 50000 each day. This was nothing unusual as since time immemorial Prithimpassa Moharrams have been witnessing such huge turnouts. Sadly this was marred by the outrageous and unforgivable act of violence, which has left the people in a state of panic.
People who were carrying out their religious duties and were immersed in different programmes were taken unawares as the bomb exploded and tore through the silence of the night.
After the Ashura procession, which started from the Imambara at 4:30 pm and terminated at a place called “Karbala”, half a mile from the place, mourners returned home. After resting for a while they started gathering at the Imambara where the family members had already assembled to start the Sham-e-ghariban majlis, which is held to remember those family members and companions who were left after the massacre of Hazrat Imam Hussain’s family and followers. They were all female members except one ailing son of the Imam, Hazrat Imam Zainul Abedin and several small children.
At 8:15 p.m suddenly there was a big explosion, which shook the place and was heard as far away as 5 miles. The actual target was the Imambara and the family eventually aimed at putting an end to all Moharram programmes. But, it exploded a few yards away at a shrine called Shah Dingi Muqam where devotees come from far away places to pray. The mazar is situated in the Nawab Bari premises. Luckily no one was around and therefore there was no casualty.
According to eyewitnesses the explosion flame shot up into the sky and black acrid smoke billowed upwards and spread out a wide area. With that followed panic and people started running in all directions some crying and searching for their loved ones. It was a horrifying scene. Screams could be heard in the darkness and chaos prevailed.
We phoned the police and in no time they appeared. The village people, who were coming out of their houses, after hearing the explosion, saw a man running, which aroused their suspicion and they grabbed him when he couldn’t give satisfactory replies to their questions. They were sure he was the terrorist responsible for the blast. They immediately handed him over to the police. Under remand he disclosed his target was the family and the Imambara and made numerous attempts on the members when they gathered together inside the Imambara and also on the processions, failing he explode it at the mazar (It’s at a close proximity to the Imambara all these in the Nawab Bari premises).
The intolerance and violence that these outfits practice, to terrorize the people, are the work of barbarians and enemies of society. They have no respect for others beliefs and will go to any length to impose their viewpoints. They must be stopped and eliminated so that people can live in peace and continue with their lives and religious beliefs in peace and security.
Political parties and people responded with protest procession, meetings decrying and condemning the attack. The local adminstration and the police force displayed outstanding sense of duty and acted swiftly in tackling the situation and bringing the criminals to book. Their interrogations have succeeded in extracting valuable information, which will help in effectively eradicating such destructive elements from our region and society.
The people of Prithimpassa and the Nawab Bari family have been shaken by this inhuman and horrendous act. Such violence and hatred were never witnessed before. For last four hundred years the village people, irrespective of their beliefs, affiliations, status have been observing Moharram participating in numerous extensive programmes, but today fear and insecurity have taken over the minds of the family and the general people. They earnestly hope that strong measures and actions will be taken to annihilate once and for all such terrorist outfits.