Saturday, November 21, 2015

Prithimpassa 2015 September

Friday, November 20, 2015

Zaaree Moharram 2015

Moharram 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Current World Affairs

Current World Affairs.
The deafening sound of bombs that go off around us in different cities and lands
The rampages and carnage that distort and smear the pristine landscape
The towns and cities and their neighborhoods facing the brunt of violence are no more the same
What an ugly and painful picture has emerged, we are cringing in fear and helplessness
Looking at each other in trepidation and suspicion
Humanity is dead only thing that lives are dogmas that drive people insane releasing the predator in them
For a belief and ideology man is ready to kill without a wince
There is a cry of the people rising to heavens as dark acrid smoke clears after a heart wrenching blast
Some demented minds believe this is salvation some believe this is sheer madness a work of evil minds
indescribable insanity so bestial we are unable to comprehend
Stream of fleeing mass of humanity tells stories of destroyed towns and cities and lives fiercely snatched away
Peace and harmony in shreds, stains of blood deeply engrained on the walls and streets and the psyche of people
The new generation is lost growing up in an uncertain, violent and dangerous world where brandishing guns cast their shadows over all.
Man has become evil and more primitive that the primordial man
It has become a savage more monstrous than other feral beings
The world has spun out of control sinking into an abyss dragged by the bigots and carpetbaggers

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

12th Moharram Oct. 2015

12th Moharram 2015 October.

Abba 1990

Prithimpassa Oct. 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

10th Moharram 2015 October.

Moharram October 2015